Firstly, "THANK YOU" to School Board member, Ms. Thelma Byers-Bailey for joining a couple of the founders of the LORDs (Me & Dr. Cornelius) and Ms. Anita Cherry for dinner to discuss the LORDs campaign.

We found Ms. Bailey to be not only brilliant, but also willing to listen, provide insight and support.

As we press ahead with our plans to solidify our support of CMS through close collaboration, I suspect that more of us will embrace this important work and become more engaged. Thank you too!

Related note: Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools system sent me the message below and if you have not registered at either (or both) CMS and/or the LORDs, what are you waiting for? ... remember... "spot or wrinkle".


Message From School Administration

On behalf of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, I want to personally thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students, our school-based staff, and our community. Each minute, each hour, each day spent on a school campus goes a long way in influencing a young student’s mind and shaping their thinking.

Perhaps you tutored, assisted a teacher in the classroom, supported our front-office personnel or chaperoned a trip. The role you fulfilled was key to the success of the district’s vision that includes helping all students reach their full potential.

As this school year ends and in preparation of the 2022-2023 school year, please access your registration page at www.cmsvolunteers.com to verify your email address so that you will receive the most current and pertinent volunteer information from us. Fulcrum-CMS Volunteer Management will send activation reminder emails starting in July, so please consider volunteering in our schools again.
Once again thank you for your time, treasure, and talent. A successful school year is made in part by you, our volunteer.

Thank you,

Ana Brown
CMS-District Volunteer Coordinator

FAM RESOURCES (Students & Alumni)

PRIVATE. PROFESSIONAL. PERSONAL. - Let’s face it, we all need help sometimes. We are able to help, when we, ourselves, feel supported.

Coming soon… Feel Free to contact our 3rd party counselors for

If we don’t care about ourselves and our children, no one else will either.